Several methods might help you stop feeling drowsy fast. Stand up, stretch, or perform jumping jacks to boost blood flow and vigor. Having a cold glass of water or washing your face with cold water might also help you wake up. Coffee or green tea might assist, but too much can trigger jitters or a crash. Protein-rich snacks like almonds or yogurt helps sustain energy. Sleepiness may be treated with Artvigil 150mg. Artvigil 150, an armodafinil formulation, targets brain neurotransmitters to increase wakefulness. Most often used for shift work sleep problem or daytime drowsiness. For safety and efficacy, contact your doctor before using such drugs.
Several methods might help you stop feeling drowsy fast. Stand up, stretch, or perform jumping jacks to boost blood flow and vigor. Having a cold glass of water or washing your face with cold water might also help you wake up. Coffee or green tea might assist, but too much can trigger jitters or a crash. Protein-rich snacks like almonds or yogurt helps sustain energy. Sleepiness may be treated with Artvigil 150mg. Artvigil 150, an armodafinil formulation, targets brain neurotransmitters to increase wakefulness. Most often used for shift work sleep problem or daytime drowsiness. For safety and efficacy, contact your doctor before using such drugs.